Czech Republic continues entrust POWERVE® !
Also Prague Metro has chosen POWERVE® for their weighing tests, so to ensure the best possible balance of their fleet.
The customer has selected POWERVE® as it is the most appropriate and accurate solution for inspection measurements, being the only hand-portable system capable of measuring the QF0s directly on the wheel tread, as required by the EN 15654-2. In fact, thanks to its special load cells, developed and produced by IVM exactly for POWERVE® , it is possible to measure directly on the wheel tread near the reference points, overcoming the limits of other systems which require to measure under the wheel flange to suppress the effect of lateral forces which can affect the results in their case, while instead those are perfectly compensated by the POWERVE® load cells.
This means that the measures carried out with POWERVE® are already the QF0s, not just a value taken in other locations. This means avoiding any uncertainty due to the different location of contact points present instead when the measurements are taken under the wheel flange or under the axlebox.
POWERVE®: the only hand-portable solution available on the market certified compliant to the standard EN 15654-2 (certified by ITALCERTIFER)
I’m pleased to share some pictures from the SAT (Site Acceptance Test) and training to the final users.
A special thanks again to EKOTERN, our official distribution partner in Czech Republic and Slovakia, for his very professional support. We are very happy about our long and fruitful cooperation!
L'articolo POWERVE® for Prague Metro proviene da IVM S.r.l.